4 Tips to For Simpler Living in the “New Normal”

4 Tips For Simpler Living in the “New Normal”

As we settle further into what has been dubbed “the new normal”, with finances tight or uncertain for many, the wisdom of simple living is once again rising to the top of our collective awareness.

Regardless of the state of the world, we already know that embracing a simpler life can contribute positively to one’s sense of well-being. In fact, a recent study found that living a simple, minimalist lifestyle is often correlates with a sense of autonomy, competence, mental space, awareness, and positive emotions. And the good news is, you can start right where you are. There are no prerequisites and the definition of success is relative.

If you find yourself seeking a greater sense of clarity and ease during this uncertain time, here are 4 areas where you might look to simplify:

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